All About Myself

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

All About Myself

Tugas Bahasa Inggris
Nama : Raka Wijaya
NPM : 1516031064
Jurusan : Ilmu Komunikasi

Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

First, I will introduse my self. My name is Raka Wijaya, but you can call me Raka. I was born in Metro in Desember 17th 1997. I live in Pekalongan East Lampung, the central of horticulture in East Lampung.  I have 2 sister that can makes me crazy at home.
My father work as a teacher in SMPN 1 Batanghari Nuban. My mother also work in same place with my father, but my mother only a staff on that place. They work six days a week from 7am till 1pm. Every Sunday morning they always play badminton in the backyard.
I have four cats at home which the name is Cimot, Cimit, Tom and Moci. That cats always make me happy if I play together with them. My cats always stay at home and only eat and sleep every day. They are some lazy cats.
I started study in TK Bhina Putra Tulusrejo when I was four years old. On six years old I started study in SDN 1 Siraman. After that I continuing study in SMPN 1 Metro, the first time of my life I study in this town. After that I continuing in study on SMAN 1 Metro, in that time I’m start to known what a love means and what a friendship can make my life better.
Now I study in Communication Science at University of Lampung. I rent a room at Kampung Baru. Gang Damai No. 36 Kampung Baru, Labuhan Ratu, Bandar Lampung. From Monday until Friday I stay here at Bandar Lampung, but every Saturday and Sunday, I back to my hometown Pekalongan.
My hobbys are reading Indonesian novels, playing game such as Counter Strike Global Offensive, DOTA 2, Assassins Creed series, Call of Duty series, Far Cry series, Battlefield series, Cry series and Harvest Moon. In weekend I always spending my time to play games whole day. I’d like to play game and I always spend my time to play games.
My Favorite Anime, Gintama
I like watch film too, especially Japanese film such as Forget Me Not and Blue Spring Ride. I also like watch Japan Animation (Anime) such as Doraemon, Saint Seiya, Gintama series, Naruto, Aldnoah Zero, Sket Dance series. Thats all my activity beside study in University.

My favorite food is only chicken noodle. I being addicted with chicken noodle when my mother made chicken noodle at home. My favorite drink is Milk, I like drink milk because it can make me feel better.  So its all about myself.

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